Women Power!
Peach hut motto and sole purpose is to showcase the power of women. They by their company give employment to locals, mountain women to help them lead their lives effectively. When a mountain women is making jams, chutneys, jellies she is not only making a product to sell but there is a lot deeper perspective than that which is being presented to you. Peach Hut is taken an initiative to employ local women and help them in need. The best premium quality Rajgarh jams that you enjoy says a lot about these women in great depths. These mountain women have dedicated their lives to making jams and chutneys; the jams that enrich your mornings with health. When you give your child bread jam for breakfast or pack their lunches with a chutney relish on the sides you know in your heart that it is nutritious and healthy providing them with nutrition. When you serve chutneys with dishes or give a twist to you deserts by adding jellies, filling tarts with jams or sour chutneys, eating marmala...